Friday, 29 June 2012

Nexus 7 tablet by Google

Nexus 7 tablet by Google

New kid on the block  Google Nexus 7. Could it sink or swim in this Tablet War. 

The Nexus 7 packs a high-performance, set of features at very attractive 
prices--US$199 for the 8GB model and US$249 for the 16GB model. 
(This price war will definitely be beneficial for all tablet lovers out there. Let see
what reaction Amazon's Kindle Fire will showcase. Amazon is rumored to be 
prepping its coming Kindle Fire replacement for a midsummer launch.)
This winning--on paper--combo will immediately put the Nexus at center stage. 
It also will make all current Android tablet makers reevaluate their own offerings on 
the market. But selling a tablet directly to consumers online, with no clear 
changes to the app ecosystem behind it, won't be enough for Google to gain market 
share at Apple's expense.

Currently, Nexus tablets were available for order in Australia, Canada, Britain, 
and the United States at the Google Play store at a price of $199 and would 
begin shipping in mid-July, Barra said. 

The number of Android devices being used has quadrupled since this time last 
year to 400 million, with a million new smartphones or tablets powered by the 
Google-backed software being activated daily, according to Google.
Jelly Bean software improvements included a keyboard that "learns" as it is 
used and eventually starts predicting words before they are typed. 
The program has beefed up abilities to convert speech to text or into 
search queries.
A Google Now feature lets people combine search history, calendar and 
other information to allow devices to predict needs such as a fast route 
to work in the morning or a nearby coffee shop.
Google will begin rolling out the Jelly Bean in an update to newer model 
Android devices in July.

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