Friday, 29 June 2012

Nexus 7 tablet by Google

Nexus 7 tablet by Google

New kid on the block  Google Nexus 7. Could it sink or swim in this Tablet War. 

The Nexus 7 packs a high-performance, set of features at very attractive 
prices--US$199 for the 8GB model and US$249 for the 16GB model. 
(This price war will definitely be beneficial for all tablet lovers out there. Let see
what reaction Amazon's Kindle Fire will showcase. Amazon is rumored to be 
prepping its coming Kindle Fire replacement for a midsummer launch.)
This winning--on paper--combo will immediately put the Nexus at center stage. 
It also will make all current Android tablet makers reevaluate their own offerings on 
the market. But selling a tablet directly to consumers online, with no clear 
changes to the app ecosystem behind it, won't be enough for Google to gain market 
share at Apple's expense.

Currently, Nexus tablets were available for order in Australia, Canada, Britain, 
and the United States at the Google Play store at a price of $199 and would 
begin shipping in mid-July, Barra said. 

The number of Android devices being used has quadrupled since this time last 
year to 400 million, with a million new smartphones or tablets powered by the 
Google-backed software being activated daily, according to Google.
Jelly Bean software improvements included a keyboard that "learns" as it is 
used and eventually starts predicting words before they are typed. 
The program has beefed up abilities to convert speech to text or into 
search queries.
A Google Now feature lets people combine search history, calendar and 
other information to allow devices to predict needs such as a fast route 
to work in the morning or a nearby coffee shop.
Google will begin rolling out the Jelly Bean in an update to newer model 
Android devices in July.

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Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Who's driving Google?

Who's driving Google?

A driver less cars that cruise, twist and turn without the need 
for a driver -- on its roads? (total recall?) Only in Nevada. 
Where else be brave enough want to bet?

Total Recall

On Monday May 7th, Nevada became the first to approve a license 
for "autonomous vehicles".

The license goes to Google, the Silicon Valley technology big brother
known more for its search engine and e-mail service. Nonetheless IT 
has been known to dive into other big ideas such as space elevators 
to Internet-enabled glasses.

The new plate is red and features the infinity symbol and the letters 
AU, for autonomous vehicle. All such cars on the road are "test" 
vehicles for now, though the state signaled it intends to be "at the 
forefront of autonomous vehicle development."

"I felt using the infinity symbol was the best way to represent the 
'car of the future,' " state DMV Director Bruce Breslow said. 

"When there comes a time that vehicle manufactures market 
autonomous vehicles to the public, that infinity symbol will appear 
on a green license plate."

Google was the first company to apply to test its self-driving system 
in Nevada, the state said, while indicating that "other auto 
manufacturers have indicated their desire to test and develop" 
such technology in the state.

For source info > CLICK here

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

10 tips to Create Share Worthy content

10 tips to Create Share Worthy content 

1. Learn, download and embed the definitions and words above into the dna of your brain.
2. Take the same words and embed them into the DNA of your marketing and business plans.
3. Don’t let your relationships turn all digital. Talk to your customers, partners, stakeholders and prospects in real life. Get that eye to eye, hand to hand connection. Get in their head and in their heart. The people in your online and offline communities are truly the heartbeat of social media.
4. Don’t assume you know what you don’t know. If you haven’t asked your audience what they want the past two years I’d suggest you ask. You might be surprised in the result.
5. Set goals and objectives for measurement. You can’t optimize, monetize and measure what you do not track, so set goals and objectives early.
6. Be honest with your internal skill set. If you don’t have the right skill set internally don’t be afraid to outsource. There are many awesome writers who are affordable and can often deliver much higher quality work than what you can do yourself at a lower cost.
7. Get out of your box. If you have had the same team for the past few years, then you need to get an outside opinion. Even our agency occasionally hires an outside writer to help us with new perspectives and ways to connect with our audiences. A third or fourth eye can never hurt.
8. Be patient and invest time. It is going to take time and resource to create relevant, engaging and valuable content. Do not expect overnight results. Build your plan and work yer plan as granny would say! You’ll eventually get there.
9. You will never know what you can do if you don’t try. What’s the worst thing that will happen if you put a little more effort into your content marketing game? Can’t be much worse than those lonely share buttons can it?
10. Don’t be afraid to do the happy dance. Keep your head up. We all started somewhere. I can still remember the first days of launching my blog with a hope and prayer I would get one or two retweets. I can remember doing the happy dance when I started hitting 10 retweets a day. Set realistic goals and celebrate your milestones, not someone elses!

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